Thursday, April 17, 2008

Absurdly Bored

So I'm frekin bored this dreary evening. I'm having to settle for soccer on tv. I like soccer, but not really feeling it this evening. Been texting a lot for the last thirty minutes or so. Don't know if that counts as doing anything though. I suppose I could go home. But that's a 15 minute drive, and what if I want to do something here in town, then I'd have to drive back into town to do it. It's a frekin catch twenty-two. Just got a text from a good friend of mine. They were telling me to call my parents, I already did that today. Now what? I could go walk around in the crappy weather, but I don't want to chance melting. Man this sucks. Read some pretty funny blogs earlier. I guess I can watch stupid videos of people getting hit in the nuts or something on youtube. That's always funny. Or that one video of the little kids playing dodgeball and this one kid gets taken out by a giant yellow ball. One of the funniest videos I've ever watched. Saw a ridiculous video of a honda with a huge V8 engine that's supercharged and everything the other day, wow, that guy had to have been more bored than I am to come up with that.

Bonna be playing some music next week. Kevin Pickett and Southern Rain are opening for Jason Boland and The Stragglers on Wednesday night. Really looking forward to having that opportunity. This could be a pretty good break for us. We are really starting to get some good reviews from the places we've been visiting. Getting a lot of return gigs booked. Woohoo!!! Job security. Maybe we can make a real go at being professionals this time.

So, nearly ten minutes into the soccer game, still no score. Man, I really wish it were easier to score at this game. Oh well. Hmm......

I guess it's just gonna be one of those evenings that just don't have anything good going on. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jay Leno

So, I find myself watching Jay Leno again. What's the deal with me watching such lame entertainment. I'm switching to David Letterman. Well, I guess this isn't much better. John McCain is on and helping with Letterman's opening segment. Well, I don't know which I'd rather watch. But hey, at least Paul Schafer has a better band than the Tonight Show band with Kevin Eubanks. Wow, I really don't know how McCain was able to walk out on stage without a walker. It's nuts, to think that he is running for President. He already looks ancient. How old is he gonna look if he gets elected. The years just really make guys look old after they've been president. McCain is going to look like the emperor from Star Wars before it's all over. So, I really don't know why I keep watching such crap. I guess I'm just way to bored. Well, Regan had it right. "More government is not the problem, Government is the problem." Oh well, ove of these days we'll get someone in office that can really do something to help the country, instead of helping oil profits. Oh well, I guess I need to stay off my soapbox. I'm getting sick of politics. If you break that down to the roots of the word, poli-, which means many, and -tics, which means blood sucking insects. I think that pretty much sums it up.