Wednesday, July 23, 2008

FC Last Week

So, I had the priveledge of filling in on drums for the Doug Matlock Band last week. It was quite fun. We were leading worship for the youth group from Trinity Baptist Church of Pauls Valley at their cabin in Falls Creek. We had a blasty blast. Played a lot of music, I got to meet a lot of new people, and play a lot of foosball. It was great!!!

Looking like this week is gonna be just as much fun. I know it's Wednesday, so I've had half the week to see, but it's going great. Playing with the Doug Matlock Band again this week. I have a lot of fun with those guys. They're all frekin hilarious. Probably gonna stop by Smokin' Joe's Rib Ranch one night on the way to play. Some of the best BBQ I've ever had lately. HAHA!!! Some of you won't understand the whole 'best I've ever had, lately' statement, but hey, who frekin cares, I think it's funny. Well, until next time, Peace Out Yo!!!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Facebook Groups

So, I just left 48 of the 60, I repeat, 60 groups that I was in on Facebook. Whoop ti frekin doo!!!!! What is the deal with being in so many groups? I was a part of groups I didn't even know I was a part of. If you can follow that. How does that happen. I know, because everybody invites everybody to the groups, no matter how significant, or insignificant they are. I guess I would just hit join this group when it came up and one of my friends was the creator, or invitor. Won't happen anymore, I don't have time for that crap. HAHAHAHA!!!! Take that FACEBOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, I was looking around at my various friend's myspace pages, and one of them had their status as SUPERGROOVALISTICPROSIFUNKSTICATION. Now, at first glance, I was like what the heck, then I thought it was hilarious. You just have to know the guy to truely understand hy that's soo frekin hilarious. Anyhoo, I messaged him a few minutes ago to see what it meant. His answer totally threw me for a loop. I was looking for something super out there and crazy, and he just gave me a normal answer. You know when you wake up in the morning and you just automatically have this feeling like,"oh yea, that's what I'm talking about, today is gonna be a frekin good day,". Well, that's what it means. HAHA!!! Who'd've thunk it. Well, I know it's not a formal word, but it should be!!!

I get those feelings from time to time. It's like finding out 'Where da golds at'!!! I can totally relate to that. HAHA!!! But anyways, I know two posts in one day can't possibly make up for two and a half months of not posting a blog, but surely it's better than not posting at all.

So ummmmmmm...........

So, it's been a frekin long time since I last blogged. I realized, as I was sitting doing nothing at all, watching tv, and stupid videos about stadiums, and people doing stupid crap on youtube, that while I said to my friend Kent, "I don't have time to blog.", that I do in fact have more than enough time to blog. I've just gotten so LAZY that I haven't done it for two and a half months. HAHA!!!! Wow, I'm a lazy piece of crap. Oh well, at least I'm doing something constructive mose of the time. I've been working my tail off at, well, WORK, and playing drums a whole lot. I started a new music page for my music career on myspace. It's if you wanna check it out. Don't forget to add me as a friend on there. So, that's about it, I'm a lazy individual that doesn't want to do anything constructive right now. HAHA!!!

So, ummmm, like, I guess I have more to say now than just that whole lazy crap. Who are you gonna vote for in the coming election, I sure as heck don't know!!! I'm about to record a demo of myself and a few others, so I can get booked down in the Dallas area with various bands, and who knows, maybe even make some real money in the process. I'm tired of making monopoly money, the banks don't really like it when you try to make a deposit. They just look at me all confused. Like, 'I don't get it'. HAHAHAHA!!!! You probably don't get it either. It's ok, neither do I.

Well, don't know if I'm gonna watch a movie or not tonight, I'm kind of feeling it, but don't know if I'm gonna. BATMAN frekin ROCKED my face off!!!! My ear itches, Zox is playing Starry night, and it's kind of cool. Reggae style. I'm feeling more like a rastafarian every beat. HAHA!!! Big gulps eh, well, alright, see you later.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Random Listenings

So, today was one of those regular irregular days of being out on the road for work. It was regular in that all I did was drive and see a couple of band directors and then pick up repair. It was irregular in that I listened to a whole lot of random music. I started out with some Carlos Santana, who always has a very eclectic range of guest artists with him. Then I switched to some of the new Dave Matthews, Live in Piedmont Park sounds. It frekin rocked. Followed it up with some Weezer, Godsmack(acoustic album), then finished it all off with some Harry Connick Jr. Wow, that's a very large array of musical listenings.

Being a drummer, I tend to focus on all the percussion stuff that's going on in all the music that I listen to. Today was no different, except that once I got to Harry Connick, there were no drums or percussion, just him, a piano, and maybe a stand-up bass. I just sat there putting drums and percussion to it, and thinking, dang, now I know why he didn't put this stuff in, he's frekin random on that album, taking liberties like yo wouldn't believe on every tune. It was totally awesome!!! He's truely a musician that I have the utmost of respect for. He is soooo melodic. His ways of musical perception are absolutely incredible. I can sit and listen to his recordings for hours. Anyhoo, I guess I don't have anything else to add except that I finished out all listening accidentally with some Blood, Sweat, and Tears that my boss was playing in his car just before he left for the weekend. Wow, what a random day. Well, hope you all have a wonderfully eclectic weekend and don't get stuck in a musical rut. I know I won't.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Absurdly Bored

So I'm frekin bored this dreary evening. I'm having to settle for soccer on tv. I like soccer, but not really feeling it this evening. Been texting a lot for the last thirty minutes or so. Don't know if that counts as doing anything though. I suppose I could go home. But that's a 15 minute drive, and what if I want to do something here in town, then I'd have to drive back into town to do it. It's a frekin catch twenty-two. Just got a text from a good friend of mine. They were telling me to call my parents, I already did that today. Now what? I could go walk around in the crappy weather, but I don't want to chance melting. Man this sucks. Read some pretty funny blogs earlier. I guess I can watch stupid videos of people getting hit in the nuts or something on youtube. That's always funny. Or that one video of the little kids playing dodgeball and this one kid gets taken out by a giant yellow ball. One of the funniest videos I've ever watched. Saw a ridiculous video of a honda with a huge V8 engine that's supercharged and everything the other day, wow, that guy had to have been more bored than I am to come up with that.

Bonna be playing some music next week. Kevin Pickett and Southern Rain are opening for Jason Boland and The Stragglers on Wednesday night. Really looking forward to having that opportunity. This could be a pretty good break for us. We are really starting to get some good reviews from the places we've been visiting. Getting a lot of return gigs booked. Woohoo!!! Job security. Maybe we can make a real go at being professionals this time.

So, nearly ten minutes into the soccer game, still no score. Man, I really wish it were easier to score at this game. Oh well. Hmm......

I guess it's just gonna be one of those evenings that just don't have anything good going on. Oh well.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Jay Leno

So, I find myself watching Jay Leno again. What's the deal with me watching such lame entertainment. I'm switching to David Letterman. Well, I guess this isn't much better. John McCain is on and helping with Letterman's opening segment. Well, I don't know which I'd rather watch. But hey, at least Paul Schafer has a better band than the Tonight Show band with Kevin Eubanks. Wow, I really don't know how McCain was able to walk out on stage without a walker. It's nuts, to think that he is running for President. He already looks ancient. How old is he gonna look if he gets elected. The years just really make guys look old after they've been president. McCain is going to look like the emperor from Star Wars before it's all over. So, I really don't know why I keep watching such crap. I guess I'm just way to bored. Well, Regan had it right. "More government is not the problem, Government is the problem." Oh well, ove of these days we'll get someone in office that can really do something to help the country, instead of helping oil profits. Oh well, I guess I need to stay off my soapbox. I'm getting sick of politics. If you break that down to the roots of the word, poli-, which means many, and -tics, which means blood sucking insects. I think that pretty much sums it up.