Sunday, July 20, 2008


So, I was looking around at my various friend's myspace pages, and one of them had their status as SUPERGROOVALISTICPROSIFUNKSTICATION. Now, at first glance, I was like what the heck, then I thought it was hilarious. You just have to know the guy to truely understand hy that's soo frekin hilarious. Anyhoo, I messaged him a few minutes ago to see what it meant. His answer totally threw me for a loop. I was looking for something super out there and crazy, and he just gave me a normal answer. You know when you wake up in the morning and you just automatically have this feeling like,"oh yea, that's what I'm talking about, today is gonna be a frekin good day,". Well, that's what it means. HAHA!!! Who'd've thunk it. Well, I know it's not a formal word, but it should be!!!

I get those feelings from time to time. It's like finding out 'Where da golds at'!!! I can totally relate to that. HAHA!!! But anyways, I know two posts in one day can't possibly make up for two and a half months of not posting a blog, but surely it's better than not posting at all.

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